1. "Law Review: A Love Story," California Lawyer, February 2003, at 26-28 (formerly at http://www.dailyjournal.com/calawyer/index.cfm?sid=&tkn=&eid=484253&evid=1), reprinted in Chicago Daily Law Bulletin, February 14, 2003, at 5; Vermont Bar Journal, March 2003, at 32-33; "Love between lawyers, op. cit.," The Montana Lawyer, March 2003, at 10-11 (formerly at http://www.montanabar.org/montanalawyer/march2003/love.html); The Nebraska Lawyer, April 2003, at 19-20, http://www.nebar.com/pdfs/nelawyer/2003/200304d.pdf; Oregon State Bar Bulletin, May 2003, at 35-38, http://www.osbar.org/publications/bulletin/03may/lawlife.html; Bench & Bar of Minnesota, May/June 2003, at 34-35; "Law Review: A love story remembered," Alaska Bar Rag, May-June 2003, at 5; New Jersey Lawyer, The Magazine, June 2003, at 87-88; Nashville Bar Journal, August 2003, at 8-9; BARbriefs (Columbus (Ohio) Bar Association), Fall 2003, at 21-22, The Docket (Denver Bar Association), February 2004, at 14-15, http://www.cobar.org/docket/doc_articles.cfm?ArticleID=3049   View Low-Resolution .GIF Version View High-Resolution .PDF Version

The article, which is my first published fiction effort, is to my understanding unique: a love story written in the form of a law review article. Law review articles are traditionally stuffy, serious, and purportedly scholarly (and often long-winded) expositions on frequently obscure (and deservedly so) aspects of the law, noted (literally) for their extensive use of footnotes containing specific references to legal cases, statutes, treatises, and other "authorities," which references are painstakingly drafted to comport precisely with the rigors of official legal citation style. Many of the citations are real (selected for their James Bond movie dialogue-like double entendres in the present context); some I simply made up (this is fiction, after all).

2. "Dear Professor Rosenstein," Washington Lawyer, December 2003, at 32-35, http://www.dcbar.org/for_lawyers/washington_lawyer/december_2003/professor.cfm; reprinted in New Jersey Lawyer, February 2004, at 61-63; "Filling the exam book: A letter, and a reprieve for a failing law student," Alaska Bar Rag, January-March 2004, at 6-7; "Laying down the blue book blues may not be taxing" and "A promise kept, but with a caution to remember," Chicago Daily Law Bulletin, April 20, 2004, at 6, and April 30, 2004, at 5); Arizona Attorney, May 2004, at 18-21, http://www.myazbar.org/AZAttorney/PDF_Articles/0504Rosensteinpage18.pdf; Milwaukee Bar Association Messenger, May 2004, at 3; Michigan Bar Journal, May 2004, at 50-52, http://www.michbar.org/journal/article.cfm?articleID=693&volumeID=54&viewType=live and http://www.michbar.org/journal/pdf/pdf4article693.pdf; CBA Report (Cincinnati Bar Association), June 2004, at 12-14; Nebraska Lawyer, June 2004, at 19-21, http://www.nebar.com/pdfs/nelawyer/2004/June/20046e.pdf; Wyoming Lawyer, June 2004, at 28-31; "Dear Prof: No Paddle, No Hope," The Docket (Denver Bar Association) June 2004, at TBA, http://www.denbar.org/docket/doc_articles.cfm?ArticleID=3772   View Low-Resolution .GIF Version View High-Resolution .PDF Version
3. "The Appeal," New Jersey Lawyer, June 2004, at 45-48; reprinted in Nebraska Lawyer, October 2004, at 20-22, 27, http://www.nebar.com/pdfs/nelawyer/2004/October/200410f.pdf; Vermont Bar Journal, Fall 2004, at http://www.vtbar.org/images/journal/journalarticles/Fall%202004/theappeal.pdf   View Low-Resolution .GIF Version View High-Resolution .PDF Version

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